How did WellGun emerge?

I am a hunter and a sports shooter. When I bought my first rifle, I realized that there were no good quality gun cleaning solvents on the Polish market. I ordered my first gun cleaning kit in Germany.

Since the act on weapons and ammunition in Poland was amended in 2011, we have witnessed a massive increase in firearms licensing. Along with the flourishing interest in modern weapons, the awareness that guns require regular maintenance has also been spreading.

However, high-quality gun solvents in Poland so far have been exclusively imported and rather expensive.

In 2017, I decided to create my own brand of weapon cleaners. The goal was to create products that perfectly clear weapons using safe, ecological and economic ingredients. In cooperation with fellow hunters, sport shooters and uniformed services employees, we managed to create products that met the expectations of all gun users participating in our tests.

Let me introduce to you WellGun. A Polish brand of firearm cleaning solvents created with gun users in mind.

Using our products means safe, accurate shooting and your weapons will serve you much longer.

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