B2B offer

About WellGun

We are a family company set up in Gdynia. The business idea emerged from many years of passion for sports shooting and hunting. My own experiences and observations as well as long conversations with other users of pistols, revolvers, and rifles inspired me and motivated me to create Polish professional gun solvents for cleaning and maintenance.

Thanks to my own experience and cooperation with the community of sports shooters and hunters in Poland, we managed to develop safe and effective cleaners. Made for handguns, sports and hunting weapons. Composed from safe, eco-friendly and affordable ingredients.

By combining passion and family values, we focus primarily on good relations, within the company and with business partners. We invite weapon shop owners, wholesalers and brokers from all over the world to collaborate.

If you consider distributing Well Gun firearms cleaning products,

 please contact us via the form below or write to b2b@wellgun.shop

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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych podanych w powyższym formularzu, w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na złożone zapytanie.

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Heracles Piotr Opaliński, ul. Orańska 35 lok. U-4, 81-533 Gdynia, Polska, NIP: PL5862059175, REGON: 221056943. Żądanie usunięcia danych proszę kierować na adres: bye@wellgun.shop

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